- How Do I Obtain a Dog License?
Follow this Link to the City of Warwick City Clerks Webpage for Information on obtaining a dog licence.
Animal Control officers can be reached at 401-468-4378.
- How Do I Obtain a VIN Check?
The Warwick Police Department ONLY performs VIN checks for Warwick residents, businesses in the city, and dealerships in the city. The Warwick Police Department performs VIN checks on Tuesdays from 3:00 PM till 7:00 PM and on Saturdays from 7:00 AM till 11:00 AM. The fee is $20 CASH ONLY. If the title is from another state or the vehicle was registered in another state, and the model year of the vehicle is 2001 or newer, a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) check is required before you register the car. A title is needed for a VIN check. If you own the vehicle, bring the original title. If there is a lien on the vehicle, bring a copy of the title. VIN checks are performed at the shed abutting the pond and next to the public boat ramp. - Where Do I Go to Pay a Municipal Court Fine?
If your violation allows you the option to pay by mail and the court jurisdiction is Warwick Municipal Court, then you can pay the fine in person at the court located at Warwick City Hall, 3275 Post Road, Warwick, RI. - How Do I Obtain a Restraining Order?
If you reside in the City of Warwick, Restraining Orders may be obtained by going to the Kent County Courthouse located at 222 Quaker Lane, Warwick, RI. The court of jurisdiction (Superior, Family or District) will depend on your relationship to the offender. - Are you Currently Recruiting?
We are currently recruiting. Refer to the "RECRUITMENT DRIVE" tab on the Home Page for details. - When is the Records Division Open?
The Records Division is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM till 4:00 PM. The Records Division will be closed on major holidays. - How do I Obtain Open Records Information?
Requests for police reports can be made in person at the Warwick Police Department Headquarters Records Division window, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.Forms with instructions are available for non-business hours in the lobby or you may download a "Request For Records Under The Access To Public Records Act"
Reports can also be requested at $0.15 pr page via phone (401) 468-4285 or by sending a self addressed, stamped envelope.
Warwick Police Records Div.
99 Veteran’s Memorial Drive
Warwick, RI 02886Reports will be released in compliance with Rhode Island general law chapter 38, section 2.
Requests can take up to 10 days and can be extended to 20 days under certain circumstances.
A request for records may be denied under circumstances define in R.I.G.L. 38-2-2(5)(d).
If your request is denied, you may ask to speak with An Administrative Services Division Supervisor for further explanation. Additionally, you have the right to file an appeal of such a denial as described in R.I.G.L. 38-2-8.
- How Can I Get Fingerprinted for Employment?
Civilian employment fingerprinting is conducted through the Community Services Division. Please contact Amy Pickering at 468-4318 to schedule an appointment. This is NOT done by members of BCI. - Can You Tell Me About Sex Offenders in the City? If you live in a specific area of the city in which a Level II (“Moderate risk of reoffending”) or Level III (“High risk of reoffending”) sex offender is released, you will be notified by the Warwick Police Department. To see a list of all Level II and Level III sex offenders in the state, please navigate to www.paroleboard.ri.gov
- How Do I Make a Report?
If you are reporting an emergency situation, please call 911. If you are calling to report anything other than an emergency, please call our main number 468-4200. You may also make a report in person by coming to the Warwick Police Department located at 99 Veterans Memorial Drive. - How Do I Obtain a Copy of a Police Report?
You may come to the police station and proceed to the Records Division in order to get a copy of a report. You may also obtain an accident report by going to www.getcrashreports.com - What do I do If I Have a Complaint About an Officer?
The Professional Standards Division handles complaints against employees of the Warwick Police Department. Please visit their page for an explanation of the required procedures for making a complaint. You will also be able to download a complaint form there.
Visit the Professional Standards Division
What are the Official guidelines that determine when a stop sign is warranted?
What are the specific criteria for installing stop signs?
What are the specific criteria for installing all-way stops?
How does the City of Warwick know whether or not a particular intersection meets the MUTCD warrants?
Where can I read more information and research stop signs?